Transcriptional regulation of dendritic cell development and function


Zhang Shengbo,Audiger Cindy,Chopin Michaël,Nutt Stephen L.


Dendritic cells (DCs) are sentinel immune cells that form a critical bridge linking the innate and adaptive immune systems. Extensive research addressing the cellular origin and heterogeneity of the DC network has revealed the essential role played by the spatiotemporal activity of key transcription factors. In response to environmental signals DC mature but it is only following the sensing of environmental signals that DC can induce an antigen specific T cell response. Thus, whilst the coordinate action of transcription factors governs DC differentiation, sensing of environmental signals by DC is instrumental in shaping their functional properties. In this review, we provide an overview that focuses on recent advances in understanding the transcriptional networks that regulate the development of the reported DC subsets, shedding light on the function of different DC subsets. Specifically, we discuss the emerging knowledge on the heterogeneity of cDC2s, the ontogeny of pDCs, and the newly described DC subset, DC3. Additionally, we examine critical transcription factors such as IRF8, PU.1, and E2-2 and their regulatory mechanisms and downstream targets. We highlight the complex interplay between these transcription factors, which shape the DC transcriptome and influence their function in response to environmental stimuli. The information presented in this review provides essential insights into the regulation of DC development and function, which might have implications for developing novel therapeutic strategies for immune-related diseases.


Cancer Council Victoria

National Health and Medical Research Council


Frontiers Media SA


Immunology,Immunology and Allergy

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