Vestibular prosthesis: from basic research to clinics


Soto Enrique,Pliego Adriana,Vega Rosario


Balance disorders are highly prevalent worldwide, causing substantial disability with high personal and socioeconomic impact. The prognosis in many of these patients is poor, and rehabilitation programs provide little help in many cases. This medical problem can be addressed using microelectronics by combining the highly successful cochlear implant experience to produce a vestibular prosthesis, using the technical advances in micro gyroscopes and micro accelerometers, which are the electronic equivalents of the semicircular canals (SCC) and the otolithic organs. Reaching this technological milestone fostered the possibility of using these electronic devices to substitute the vestibular function, mainly for visual stability and posture, in case of damage to the vestibular endorgans. The development of implantable and non-implantable devices showed diverse outcomes when considering the integrity of the vestibular pathways, the device parameters (current intensity, impedance, and waveform), and the targeted physiological function (balance and gaze). In this review, we will examine the development and testing of various prototypes of the vestibular implant (VI). The insight raised by examining the state-of-the-art vestibular prosthesis will facilitate the development of new device-development strategies and discuss the feasibility of complex combinations of implantable devices for disorders that directly affect balance and motor performance.


Frontiers Media SA


Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience,Cognitive Neuroscience,Sensory Systems

Reference120 articles.







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