Individualized Treatment for Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Case Report and Literature Review


Sun Qianqian,Li Weiqing,Liu Taorui,Guo Huiqin


The incidence of lung cancer is high and about 75% of the patients with lung cancer are found in the middle and advanced stage, which has a limited treatment strategy. Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) accounts for about 85% of all lung cancers. In this article, we delineate the treatment process of a middle-aged male patient with advanced-stage lung cancer to explain the significance of individualized chemotherapy combined with immunotherapy and surgery. This patient has extensive bone metastasis with PS scores of 2. After nine cycles of preoperative neoadjuvant chemotherapy, surgery, and two cycles of postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy, the patient achieved complete response (CR) and his PS score was 0. Although there is a standard chemotherapy regimen for lung adenocarcinoma, the treatment effect varies because of individual differences. Comprehensive analysis of the characteristics of patients through a variety of means to develop a precise individualized chemotherapy plan will be a major direction of lung cancer treatment in the future. Additionally, surgical treatment for advanced lung cancer patients after chemotherapy can effectively reduce the primary lesion and prolong the survival time of patients.


Wu Jieping Medical Foundation


Frontiers Media SA


Cancer Research,Oncology

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1. Vaccine for the Treatment of Advanced NSCLC: Cimavax-EGF;Advances in Clinical Medicine;2023

2. Multiple drugs;Reactions Weekly;2022-07







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