Recombinant Laminin-511 Fragment (iMatrix-511) Coating Supports Maintenance of Human Nucleus Pulposus Progenitor Cells In Vitro


Soma Hazuki12,Sakai Daisuke13ORCID,Nakamura Yoshihiko1,Tamagawa Shota4ORCID,Warita Takayuki12,Schol Jordy13ORCID,Matsushita Erika1,Naiki Mitsuru2,Sato Masato13ORCID,Watanabe Masahiko13ORCID


1. Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Tokai University School of Medicine, 143 Shimokasuya, Isehara 259-1193, Japan

2. TUNZ Pharma Corporation, Osaka 541-0046, Japan

3. Center for Musculoskeletal Innovative Research and Advancement (C-MiRA), Tokai University Graduate School, 143 Shimokasuya, Isehara 259-1193, Japan

4. Department of Medicine for Orthopaedics and Motor Organ, Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine, Tokyo 113-8421, Japan


The angiopoietin-1 receptor (Tie2) marks specific nucleus pulposus (NP) progenitor cells, shows a rapid decline during aging and intervertebral disc degeneration, and has thus sparked interest in its utilization as a regenerative agent against disc degeneration. However, the challenge of maintaining and expanding these progenitor cells in vitro has been a significant hurdle. In this study, we investigated the potential of laminin-511 to sustain Tie2+ NP progenitor cells in vitro. We isolated cells from human NP tissue (n = 5) and cultured them for 6 days on either standard (Non-coat) or iMatrix-511 (laminin-511 product)-coated (Lami-coat) dishes. We assessed these cells for their proliferative capacity, activation of Erk1/2 and Akt pathways, as well as the expression of cell surface markers such as Tie2, GD2, and CD24. To gauge their regenerative potential, we examined their extracellular matrix (ECM) production capacity (intracellular type II collagen (Col2) and proteoglycans (PG)) and their ability to form spherical colonies within methylcellulose hydrogels. Lami-coat significantly enhanced cell proliferation rates and increased Tie2 expression, resulting in a 7.9-fold increase in Tie2-expressing cell yields. Moreover, the overall proportion of cells positive for Tie2 also increased 2.7-fold. Notably, the Col2 positivity rate was significantly higher on laminin-coated plates (Non-coat: 10.24% (±1.7%) versus Lami-coat: 26.2% (±7.5%), p = 0.010), and the ability to form spherical colonies also showed a significant improvement (Non-coat: 40.7 (±8.8)/1000 cells versus Lami-coat: 70.53 (±18.0)/1000 cells, p = 0.016). These findings demonstrate that Lami-coat enhances the potential of NP cells, as indicated by improved colony formation and proliferative characteristics. This highlights the potential of laminin-coating in maintaining the NP progenitor cell phenotype in culture, thereby supporting their translation into prospective clinical cell-transplantation products.


TUNZ Pharma Corporation




Inorganic Chemistry,Organic Chemistry,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry,Computer Science Applications,Spectroscopy,Molecular Biology,General Medicine,Catalysis







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