An Unusual Case of Collision Testicular Tumor in a Female DSD Dog


Rifici Claudia1ORCID,D’Anza Emanuele2ORCID,Zappone Viola1,Albarella Sara2ORCID,Grieco Valeria3ORCID,Quartuccio Marco1ORCID,Cristarella Santo1ORCID,Mannarino Cornelia1,Ciotola Francesca2,Mazzullo Giuseppe1ORCID


1. Department of Veterinary Sciences, University of Messina, via G. Palatucci, 98168 Messina, Italy

2. Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Production, University of Naples Federico II, via Delfino 1, 80137 Naples, Italy

3. Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, University of Milan, via dell’ Università 6, 26900 Lodi, Italy


Collision tumors (CT) consist of two independent neoplasms with distinct neoplastic populations. Disorders of sexual development (DSDs) are characterized by atypical sexual development leading to various abnormalities of the genital tract. Sex reversal (SR) syndromes are a type of DSD characterized by a discrepancy between chromosomal sex and gonadal development (testes/ovaries) and the presence or the absence of the SRY gene. A phenotypically female 8-year-old Jack Russell terrier dog was referred due to anomalous vaginal discharge and non-pruritic cutaneous bilateral symmetrical alopecia on the flanks. During abdominal palpation, a voluminous mass was detected in the left quadrant area, later confirmed by ultrasound. The owner decided to proceed with euthanasia and necropsy. In the abdominal cavity, the left gonad was increased in size, the right one and the uterus were decreased, and the vagina and vulva appeared to be thickened. Histologically, both gonads were revealed to be testes: the left one was affected by a double neoplastic component (sustentacular tumor and interstitial cell tumor), whereas the right gonad showed coarctated seminiferous tubules. PCR amplification of the genes SRY and AMELX revealed the absence of the MSY region of the Y chromosome. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first report describing a case of a testicular collision tumor in a DSD SRY-negative dog.




General Veterinary







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