Preventing Stress among High School Students in Denmark through the Multicomponent Healthy High School Intervention—The Effectiveness at First Follow-Up


Bonnesen Camilla Thørring1ORCID,Thygesen Lau Caspar1ORCID,Rod Naja Hulvej2,Toftager Mette3ORCID,Madsen Katrine Rich1ORCID,Jensen Marie Pil1,Rosing Johanne Aviaja1,Wehner Stine Kjær1ORCID,Due Pernille1,Krølner Rikke Fredenslund1ORCID


1. National Institute of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark, 1455 Copenhagen, Denmark

2. Section of Epidemiology, Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen, 1014 Copenhagen, Denmark

3. Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark, 5230 Odense, Denmark


Stress is a widespread phenomenon and young people especially are experiencing high levels of stress. School-related factors are the most frequently self-reported stressors among adolescents, but few interventions have targeted the school environment. This study evaluated the effectiveness of the Healthy High School (HHS) intervention on stress at a 9-month follow-up. The study included 5201 first-year high school students (~16 years) in Denmark. Participating schools were randomized into the HHS intervention (N = 15) or control group (N = 15). Baseline measurements were conducted in August 2016 and the follow-up was conducted in May 2017. The intervention was designed to promote well-being (primary outcome) by focusing on physical activity, meals, sleep, sense of security, and stress (secondary outcomes). The intervention comprised: structural initiatives at the school level; a teaching material; peer-led innovation workshops; and a smartphone app. The 10-item Perceived Stress Scale was used to measure stress. Intervention effects on perceived stress were estimated using an intention-to-treat approach with multiple imputations of missing data and multilevel general linear regression modelling. A total of 4577 students answered the baseline questionnaire. No statistically significant difference was found in stress between students at intervention and control schools at the follow-up (mean score: 16.7 versus 16.7, adjusted b = 0.42, 95% CI: −0.16;1.00). The HHS Study is one of the first large randomized controlled trials targeting school environmental stressors. Potential implementation failures and the failures of the program theory are discussed.







Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health

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