Intrinsic Capacities, Functional Ability, Physiological Systems, and Caregiver Support: A Targeted Synthesis of Effective Interventions and International Recommendations for Older Adults


Ashikali Eleni-Marina1ORCID,Ludwig Catherine2ORCID,Mastromauro Laura12ORCID,Périvier Samuel13,Tholomier Aude1ORCID,Ionita Irina4,Graf Christophe3ORCID,Busnel Catherine1ORCID


1. Geneva Institution for Home Care and Assistance (imad), 1227 Carouge, Switzerland

2. Geneva School of Health Sciences, HES-SO, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland, 1206 Geneva, Switzerland

3. Department of Rehabilitation and Geriatrics, Geneva University Hospital, 1226 Geneva, Switzerland

4. PLATEFORME du Réseau Seniors Genève, 1227 Geneva, Switzerland


The ageing population calls for interventions that can assist older people to age healthily. This study aimed to provide a targeted synthesis of high-level research and current evidence-based recommendations on effective interventions for maintaining or preventing the decline in intrinsic capacity, functional ability, and physiological systems, or for caregiver support. Nestled within the healthy ageing framework by the World Health Organization, available evidence was selected in a targeted manner, with the purpose of providing a synthesis that would allow the application of this knowledge in real life. As such, the outcome variables were examined through an Evidence and Gap Map of interventions for functional ability and through guidelines from leading institutions. Systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and guidelines on community-dwelling older adults with or without minor health limitations were considered. Thirty-eight documents were included and over fifty interventions identified. Physical activity interventions were consistently effective across several domains. Recommendations point to screening, whilst highlighting the importance of behavioural factors in the endeavour to age healthily. There is a wide range of activities which are likely to foster healthy ageing. To encourage their uptake, it is important for communities to offer suitable promotion and support, and to make these accessible to the public.


Fondation Leenaards

Loterie Romande




Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health

Reference104 articles.

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