Malaria and HIV Co-Infection among Pregnant Women in Africa: Prevalence, Effect on Immunity and Clinical Management: Review


Obase Bekindaka Ngemani123,Bigoga Jude Daiga3,Nsagha Dickson Shey4


1. Pan African University of Life and Earth Sciences Institute (Including Health and Agriculture), University of Ibadan, Ibadan 200005, Nigeria

2. College of Medicine, University of Ibadan Teaching Hospital, Ibadan 200005, Nigeria

3. The Biotechnology Center, University of Yaoundé 1, Yaoundé P.O. Box 17673, Cameroon

4. Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Buea, Buea P.O. Box 63, Cameroon


Malaria and HIV are geographically in the tropics and subtropics of the world, including sub-Saharan Africa. Understanding the overlapping effect of both infections, especially among pregnant women, is crucial in managing pregnant women during antenatal care visits, and postpartum babies. It was realized that the prevalence of malaria among HIV-positive pregnant women ranges between 31–61%, while for non-HIV infected pregnant women the prevalence still stands between 10 and 36%. Co-infection is between 0.52 and 56.3%. Even though the rate of mother-to-child transmission of HIV has dropped, MTCT of malaria still remains a problem. MTCT is associated with low birth-weight, anemia, and even immune dysregulation. The adoption of the Option B+ plan has proven to be effective in the fight against the MTCT of HIV. However, malaria in pregnancy still remains a problem. Concurrent administration of both antimalarial drugs and Cotrimozaxole to pregnant women is not recommended, because of the toxic effect of the interaction of both drugs. Nevertheless, studies looking at the effect of the current ART regimens on mothers and their children need to be carried out. Studies looking at exposed children over a longer period of time, to determine their susceptibility to malaria infection and also to monitor their immune response to malaria over time, are needed.



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