Traces of Anisotropic Quasi-Regular Structure in the SDSS Data


Ryabinkov Andrei I.,Kaminker Alexander D.


The aim of this study is to search for quasi-periodical structures at moderate cosmological redshifts z ≲ 0.5. We mainly use the SDSS DR7 data on the luminous red galaxies (LRGs) with redshifts 0.16 ≤ z ≤ 0.47. At first, we analyze features (peaks) in the power spectra of radial (shell-like) distributions using separate angular sectors in the sky and calculate the power spectra within each sector. As a result, we found some signs of a large-scale anisotropic quasi-periodic structure detectable through 6 sectors out of a total of 144 sectors. These sectors are distinguished by large amplitudes of dominant peaks in their radial power spectra at wavenumbers k within a narrow interval of 0.05 < k < 0.07 h Mpc−1. Then, passing from a spherical coordinate system to a Cartesian one, we found a special direction such that the total distribution of LRG projections on it contains a significant (≳5σ) quasi-periodical component. We assume that we are dealing with a signature of a quasi-regular structure with a characteristic scale 116 ± 10 h−1 Mpc. Our assumption is confirmed by a preliminary analysis of the SDSS DR12 data.




General Physics and Astronomy

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1. Search for a possible quasi-periodic structure based on data of the SDSS DR12 LOWZ;Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society;2023-09-21







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