Computer Vision Tasks for Ambient Intelligence in Children’s Health


Germanese Danila1ORCID,Colantonio Sara1ORCID,Del Coco Marco2,Carcagnì Pierluigi2ORCID,Leo Marco2ORCID


1. Institute of Information Science and Technologies (ISTI), National Research Council (CNR), Via G. Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa, Italy

2. Institute of Applied Sciences and Intelligent Systems (ISASI), National Research Council (CNR), Via Monteroni snc University Campus, 73100 Lecce, Italy


Computer vision is a powerful tool for healthcare applications since it can provide objective diagnosis and assessment of pathologies, not depending on clinicians’ skills and experiences. It can also help speed-up population screening, reducing health care costs and improving the quality of service. Several works summarise applications and systems in medical imaging, whereas less work is devoted to surveying approaches for healthcare goals using ambient intelligence, i.e., observing individuals in natural settings. Even more, there is a lack of papers providing a survey of works exhaustively covering computer vision applications for children’s health, which is a particularly challenging research area considering that most existing computer vision technologies have been trained and tested only on adults. The aim of this paper is then to survey, for the first time in the literature, the papers covering children’s health-related issues by ambient intelligence methods and systems relying on computer vision.




Information Systems

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