Obesity, Bone Loss, and Periodontitis: The Interlink


Zhao Pengfei,Xu Aimin,Leung Wai KeungORCID


Obesity and periodontitis are both common health concerns that have given rise to considerable economic and societal burden worldwide. There are established negative relationships between bone metabolism and obesity, obesity and diabetes mellitus (DM), and DM and periodontitis, to name a few, with osteoporosis being considered a long-term complication of obesity. In the oral cavity, bone metabolic disorders primarily display as increased risks for periodontitis and alveolar bone loss. Obesity-driven alveolar bone loss and mandibular osteoporosis have been observed in animal models without inoculation of periodontopathogens. Clinical reports have also indicated a possible association between obesity and periodontitis. This review systematically summarizes the clinical periodontium changes, including alveolar bone loss in obese individuals. Relevant laboratory-based reports focusing on biological interlinks in obesity-associated bone remodeling via processes like hyperinflammation, immune dysregulation, and microbial dysbiosis, were reviewed. We also discuss the potential mechanism underlying obesity-enhanced alveolar bone loss from both the systemic and periodontal perspectives, focusing on delineating the practical considerations for managing periodontal disease in obese patients.


Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China




Molecular Biology,Biochemistry

Reference161 articles.

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