Gender Differences, Trauma, and Resilience of Children Born of Rape, and Perception of Their Behavior by Parents and the Community in the East of the Democratic Republic of Congo


Foussiakda Cécilia A.123,Gavray Claire4,Mugumaarhahama Yannick5ORCID,Balegamire Juvenal B.2,Blavier Adelaïde1


1. Department of Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Logopedics and Education Sciences, University of Liege, 4000 Liege, Belgium

2. Faculty of Social Sciences, Université Evangélique en Afrique, Bukavu P.O. Box 3323, Democratic Republic of the Congo

3. Centre d’Excellence Dénis Mukwege, Bukavu P.O. Box 3323, Democratic Republic of the Congo

4. Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Liege, 4000 Liege, Belgium

5. Department of Biometrics, Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Université Evangélique en Afrique, Bukavu P.O. Box 3323, Democratic Republic of the Congo


This study was conducted in the eastern DR Congo to analyze the trauma of children born of rape (CBOR), and their behavior as it is perceived by their parents and community. Twenty-four families of women rape survivors and twenty-seven control families were used. The Trauma Symptoms Checklist for Children, Child Behavior Checklist, and Child and Youth Resilience Measure tests were applied. In addition, a discussion group was conducted with community members. Comparatively to girls, boys born from rape are traumatized and have psychopathological concerns such as anxiety, depression, and summation, and high internalized and externalized behaviors compared to boys from control families. Furthermore, CBOR are aggressive and gather in gangs. Despite the suffering, both CBOR and their siblings increase their resilience over the years and derive it from their environment, especially in the absence of the father who has become a polygamist. Girls born of rape are more resilient than their siblings.



Centre d’Excellence Dénis Mukwege




General Medicine

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