Optical Sensors for Bacterial Detection


Guliy Olga I.1ORCID,Karavaeva Olga A.1,Smirnov Andrey V.2ORCID,Eremin Sergei A.3ORCID,Bunin Viktor D.4


1. Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Plants and Microorganisms—Subdivision of the Federal State Budgetary Research Institution Saratov Federal Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBPPM RAS), Saratov 410049, Russia

2. Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow 125009, Russia

3. Department of Chemistry, M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow 119991, Russia

4. EloSystems GbR, 13407 Berlin, Germany


Analytical devices for bacterial detection are an integral part of modern laboratory medicine, as they permit the early diagnosis of diseases and their timely treatment. Therefore, special attention is directed to the development of and improvements in monitoring and diagnostic methods, including biosensor-based ones. A promising direction in the development of bacterial detection methods is optical sensor systems based on colorimetric and fluorescence techniques, the surface plasmon resonance, and the measurement of orientational effects. This review shows the detecting capabilities of these systems and the promise of electro-optical analysis for bacterial detection. It also discusses the advantages and disadvantages of optical sensor systems and the prospects for their further improvement.




Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Biochemistry,Instrumentation,Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics,Analytical Chemistry

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