Cochlear Implantation in Obliterated Cochlea: A Retrospective Analysis and Comparison between the IES Stiff Custom-Made Device and the Split-Array and Regular Electrodes


Hoffmann Julia Anna Christine,Warnecke Athanasia,Timm Max Eike,Kludt Eugen,Prenzler Nils Kristian,Gärtner LutzORCID,Lenarz ThomasORCID,Salcher Rolf Benedikt


Anatomical malformations, obliterations of the cochlea, or re-implantations pose particular challenges in cochlear implantation. Treatment methods rely on radiological and intraoperative findings and include incomplete insertion, the implantation of a double array, and radical cochleostomy. In addition, a stiff electrode array, e.g., the IE stiff (IES) custom-made device (CMD, MED-EL), was prescribed individually for those special cases and pre-inserted prior to facilitate cochlear implantation in challenging cases. Data on outcomes after implantation in obliterated cochleae are usually based on individual case reports since standardised procedures are lacking. A retrospective analysis was conducted to analyse our cases on obliterated cochleae treated with MED-EL devices in order to allow the different cases to be compared. Impedances and speech perception data of patients treated with the IES CMD and the double array were retrospectively compared to patients treated with a STANDARD or FLEX electrode array (the REGULAR group). Patients with a Split-Array CMD had a poor speech perception when compared to patients treated with the IES CMD device. Thus, the IES CMD can successfully be used in patients with obliterated cochleae who would otherwise be non-users, candidates for a Split-Array CMD, or candidates for partial insertion with insufficient cochlear coverage.




General Medicine

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