REAC Reparative Treatment: A Promising Therapeutic Option for Alcoholic Cirrhosis of the Liver


Pereira Lizomar de Jesus Maués1,Pereira José Alfredo Coelho2,Fontani Vania234ORCID,Rinaldi Salvatore234ORCID


1. Faculty of Medicine, Federal University of Pará, Belem 66000-001, Brazil

2. Research Department, Rinaldi Fontani Foundation, 50144 Florence, Italy

3. Department of Reparative and Regenerative Medicine, Rinaldi Fontani Institute, 50144 Florence, Italy

4. Department of Adaptive Neuro Psycho Physio Pathology and Neuro Psycho Physical Optimization, Rinaldi Fontani Institute, 50144 Florence, Italy


Alcoholic liver disease (ALD) is a significant global health concern associated with excessive alcohol consumption. ALD encompasses various liver conditions with complex pathogenesis and progression influenced by environmental, genetic, and epigenetic factors. Alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver (ALC) is particularly prevalent among socially disadvantaged individuals, and current pharmacotherapy options provide limited treatment. This study aims to explore the potential benefits of radio electric asymmetric conveyer (REAC) technology and its tissue optimization reparative treatment (TO-RPR) in managing ALC. The liver possesses remarkable regenerative capabilities closely tied to its bioelectrical properties. REAC TO-RPR is a novel biotechnological therapeutic approach that aims to enhance and expedite reparative processes in injured tissues by restoring disrupted cellular endogenous bioelectric fields. This study seeks to optimize understanding of REAC TO-RPR’s impact on liver function and clinical outcomes in ALC patients. By investigating the mechanisms underlying liver’s reparative abilities and evaluating the efficacy of REAC TO-RPR, this research aims to address the urgent need for improved interventions in managing ALC. The findings hold potential for developing innovative treatment approaches, improving patient outcomes, and reducing the societal and individual burden associated with ALC.


International Scientific Society of Neuro Psycho Physical Optimization with REAC Technology




Medicine (miscellaneous)

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