Simulated Altitude Training and Sport Performance: Protocols and Physiological Effects


Chang Wu-Yeh1,Wu Kuo-Cheng1ORCID,Yang Ai-Lun2,Chen Yi-Liang1


1. Graduate Institute of Sports Training, Kinesiology, University of Taipei, Taipei 11153, Taiwan

2. Institute of Sports Sciences, Kinesiology, University of Taipei, Taipei 11153, Taiwan


This article explores the physiological mechanisms and effects of simulated hypoxia environment training on sports performance. Different training protocols, including hypoxia high-intensity interval training (HHIIT), incremental hypoxia training, hypoxia submaximal exercise training and combined training, and hypoxia training in the recovery and sleep states, are discussed. HHIIT combines intermittent hypoxia exposure with high-intensity interval training, and has been shown to increase the maximum oxygen intake compare to the state of normoxia, improving cardiorespiratory fitness, skeletal muscle oxygen utilization, power performance, hematological adaptations, and sports performance. Incremental hypoxia training involves the gradual decrease in oxygen concentration while maintaining exercise intensity. It has been found to improve aerobic capacity; however, fewer effects were observed in hematological variables. Hypoxia submaximal exercise training and combined training in a hypoxia environment has shown to increase VO2 and VE, and only improve hemodynamic function in combined training with hypoxia. Hypoxia during the recovery state has been associated with improvements in maximum oxygen uptake, also providing benefits to sports performance. Overall, exposure to a hypoxia environment has been demonstrated to improve cardiorespiratory endurance, power performance, and specific physiological adaptations in training and resting states. However, the optimal training protocols and their effects on different sports and athlete proficiency require further research to optimize training and enhance athletic performance in hypoxia environments.




Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes,Computer Science Applications,Process Chemistry and Technology,General Engineering,Instrumentation,General Materials Science

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