Children and Youth Environmental Action: The Case of Children and Youth with Disabilities


Salvatore Chiara,Wolbring GregorORCID


Youth environmental activism is on the rise. Children and youth with disabilities are disproportionally impacted by environmental problems and environmental activism. They also face barriers towards participating in activism, many of which might also apply to their participation in environmental activism. Using a scoping review approach, we investigated the engagement with children and youth with disabilities by (a) academic literature covering youth environmental activism and their groups and (b) youth environmental activism group (Fridays For Future) tweets. We downloaded 5536 abstracts from the 70 databases of EBSCO-HOST and Scopus and 340 Fridays For Future tweets and analyzed the data using directed qualitative content analysis. Of the 5536 abstracts, none covered children and youth with disabilities as environmental activists, the impact of environmental activism or environmental problems such as climate change on children and youth with disabilities. Fourteen indicated that environmental factors ‘caused’ the ‘impairments’ in children and youth with disabilities. One suggested that nature could be beneficial to children and youth with disabilities. The tweets did not mention children and youth with disabilities. Our findings suggest the need for more engagement with children and youth with disabilities in relation to youth environmental activism and environmental challenges.




Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment,Geography, Planning and Development

Reference260 articles.

1. Greta Thunberg Isn’t Alone. Meet Some Other Young Activists Who Are Leading the Environmentalist Fight

2. Connect4Climate. Youth4Climate: They Are Our Future

3. Connect4Climate. Inspiring Youth to Engage in the Climate Discussion: #Youth4Climate

4. Fridays for Future. Who We Are

5. Fridays for Future. Strike Statistics







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