Automatic Classification of Coronary Stenosis Using Feature Selection and a Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm


Gil-Rios Miguel-Angel1ORCID,Chalopin Claire2ORCID,Cruz-Aceves Ivan3ORCID,Lopez-Hernandez Juan-Manuel4ORCID,Hernandez-Gonzalez Martha-Alicia5ORCID,Solorio-Meza Sergio-Eduardo6ORCID


1. Departamento de Tecnologías de la Información, Universidad Tecnológica de León, Blvd. Universidad Tecnológica 225, Col. San Carlos, León 37670, Mexico

2. Faculty of Engineering and Health, University of Applied Sciences and Arts, 37085 Göttingen, Germany

3. CONACYT, Center for Research in Mathematics (CIMAT), A.C., Jalisco S/N, Col. Valenciana, Guanajuato 36000, Mexico

4. División de Ingenierías (DICIS), Campus Irapuato-Salamanca, Universidad de Guanajuato, Carretera Salamanca-Valle de Santiago km 3.5 + 1.8 km, Comunidad de Palo Blanco, Salamanca 36885, Mexico

5. Unidad Médica de Alta Especialidad (UMAE), Hospital de Especialidades No. 1, Centro Médico Nacional del Bajio, IMSS, León 37320, Mexico

6. División Ciencias de la Salud, Campus León, Universidad Tecnológica de México, Blvd. Juan Alonso de Torres 1041, León 37200, Mexico


In this paper, a novel method for the automatic classification of coronary stenosis based on a feature selection strategy driven by a hybrid evolutionary algorithm is proposed. The main contribution is the characterization of the coronary stenosis anomaly based on the automatic selection of an efficient feature subset. The initial feature set consists of 49 features involving intensity, texture and morphology. Since the feature selection search space was O(2n), being n=49, it was treated as a high-dimensional combinatorial problem. For this reason, different single and hybrid evolutionary algorithms were compared, where the hybrid method based on the Boltzmann univariate marginal distribution algorithm (BUMDA) and simulated annealing (SA) achieved the best performance using a training set of X-ray coronary angiograms. Moreover, two different databases with 500 and 2700 stenosis images, respectively, were used for training and testing of the proposed method. In the experimental results, the proposed method for feature selection obtained a subset of 11 features, achieving a feature reduction rate of 77.5% and a classification accuracy of 0.96 using the training set. In the testing step, the proposed method was compared with different state-of-the-art classification methods in both databases, obtaining a classification accuracy and Jaccard coefficient of 0.90 and 0.81 in the first one, and 0.92 and 0.85 in the second one, respectively. In addition, based on the proposed method’s execution time for testing images (0.02 s per image), it can be highly suitable for use as part of a clinical decision support system.




Geometry and Topology,Logic,Mathematical Physics,Algebra and Number Theory,Analysis

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