Toxic Effects of Penetrating Cations


Sokolov Svyatoslav1,Zyrina Anna2,Akimov Sergey3ORCID,Knorre Dmitry1ORCID,Severin Fedor1ORCID


1. Department of Molecular Energetics of Microorganisms, Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 1–40 Leninskie Gory, 119991 Moscow, Russia

2. Chumakov Federal Scientific Center for Research and Development of Immune-and-Biological Products of Russian Academy of Sciences, Premises 8, Bldg. 1, Village of Institute of Poliomyelitis, Settlement “Moskovskiy”, 108819 Moscow, Russia

3. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, 31/4 LeninskiyProspekt, 119071 Moscow, Russia


As mitochondria are negatively charged organelles, penetrating cations are used as parts of chimeric molecules to deliver specific compounds into mitochondria. In other words, they are used as electrophilic carriers for such chemical moieties as antioxidants, dyes, etc., to transfer them inside mitochondria. However, unmodified penetrating cations affect different aspects of cellular physiology as well. In this review, we have attempted to summarise the data about the side effects of commonly used natural (e.g., berberine) and artificial (e.g., tetraphenylphosphonium, rhodamine, methylene blue) penetrating cations on cellular physiology. For instance, it was shown that such types of molecules can (1) facilitate proton transport across membranes; (2) react with redox groups of the respiratory chain; (3) induce DNA damage; (4) interfere with pleiotropic drug resistance; (5) disturb membrane integrity; and (6) inhibit enzymes. Also, the products of the biodegradation of penetrating cations can be toxic. As penetrating cations accumulate in mitochondria, their toxicity is mostly due to mitochondrial damage. Mitochondria from certain types of cancer cells appear to be especially sensitive to penetrating cations. Here, we discuss the molecular mechanisms of the toxic effects and the anti-cancer activity of penetrating cations.


Russian Science Foundation




Filtration and Separation,Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous),Process Chemistry and Technology







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