Bladder Neck Obstruction: Experience and Management in a Sperm Bank


Hirsch Maria Neve1ORCID,Pallotti Francesco1ORCID,Faja Fabiana1ORCID,Buonacquisto Alessandra1,Cicolani Gaia1ORCID,Conflitti Anna Chiara1,Di Chiano Silvia1,Lenzi Andrea1,Lombardo Francesco1,Paoli Donatella1ORCID


1. Laboratory of Seminology–Sperm Bank “Loredana Gandini”, Department of Experimental Medicine, “Sapienza” University of Rome, 00161 Rome, Italy


Primary Bladder Neck Obstruction (PBNO) management provides medical and surgical treatment, such as transurethral incisions that can lead to retrograde ejaculation. The aim of this study was to investigate the maintenance of anterograde ejaculation and semen quality before and after this surgical procedure. A retrospective evaluation was carried out between 2011 and 2020. A total of 73 patients diagnosed with PBNO were recruited. Ejaculatory function, semen quality, and the fertility of recruited subjects were evaluated. Semen parameters—Baseline, 8.2% of patients were oligozoospermic and 12.3% had a semen volume below the WHO 2010 fifth percentile. Post-surgery, 20% of patients were oligozoospermic. We detected a significant decrease in total sperm number, a significant increase in the number of abnormal forms, and a reduction in the leukocyte concentration. Ejaculatory function—A total of 7.7% of patients reported anejaculation after transurethral incision of the bladder neck. Fertility—9.2% of the patients already had children before surgery; 13.8% had naturally conceived children in the years following surgery; 76.9% had no desire for paternity at the time. Our data have important implications for sperm bank management. The alterations in semen parameters and the risk of anejaculation suggest that the use of sperm cryopreservation before surgery for PBNO should be encouraged.


Italian Ministry of University and Research

“Sapienza” University of Rome Faculty of Medicine




Paleontology,Space and Planetary Science,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics







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