Clinical Experiences and Mechanism of Action with the Use of Oxytocin Injection at Parturition in Domestic Animals: Effect on the Myometrium and Fetuses


Marcet-Rius Míriam1ORCID,Bienboire-Frosini Cécile2ORCID,Lezama-García Karina3ORCID,Domínguez-Oliva Adriana3,Olmos-Hernández Adriana4ORCID,Mora-Medina Patricia5ORCID,Hernández-Ávalos Ismael5ORCID,Casas-Alvarado Alejandro3ORCID,Gazzano Angelo6ORCID


1. Animal Behaviour and Welfare Department, Research Institute in Semiochemistry and Applied Ethology (IRSEA), 84400 Apt, France

2. Department of Molecular Biology and Chemical Communication, Research Institute in Semiochemistry and Applied Ethology (IRSEA), 84400 Apt, France

3. Neurophysiology, Behavior and Animal Welfare Assessment, DPAA, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Xochimilco Campus, Mexico City 04960, Mexico

4. Division of Biotechnology—Bioterio and Experimental Surgery, Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitación-Luis Guillermo Ibarra Ibarra (INR-LGII), Tlalpan, Mexico City 14389, Mexico

5. Facultad de Estudios Superiores Cuautitlán, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico (UNAM), Cuautitlán 54714, Mexico

6. Department of Veterinary Sciences, University of Pisa, 56124 Pisa, Italy


Oxytocin is a key hormone for parturition and maternal traits in animals. During the peripartum period, the levels of endogenous oxytocin dictate physiological events such as myometrial contractions, prostaglandin production with the subsequent increase in oxytocin receptors, and the promotion of lactation when administered immediately after birth. While this hormone has some benefits regarding these aspects, the exogenous administration of oxytocin has been shown to have detrimental effects on the fetus, such as asphyxia, meconium staining, ruptured umbilical cords, and more dystocia cases in females. This review aims to analyze the main effects of oxytocin on myometrial activity during parturition, and its potential favorable and negative administration effects reflected in the fetus health of domestic animals. In conclusion, it is convenient to know oxytocin’s different effects as well as the adequate doses and the proper moment to administrate it, as it can reduce labor duration, but it can also increase dystocia.




General Veterinary,Animal Science and Zoology

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