Rendezvous with Vaccinia Virus in the Post-smallpox Era: R&D Advances


Wang Yuxiang1


1. Vaccine Research Center, National Institutes of Health, 40 Convent Drive, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA


Smallpox was eradicated in less than 200 years after Edward Jenner’s practice of cowpox variolation in 1796. The forty-three years of us living free of smallpox, beginning in 1979, never truly separated us from poxviruses. The recent outbreak of monkeypox in May 2022 might well warn us of the necessity of keeping up both the scientific research and public awareness of poxviruses. One of them in particular, the vaccinia virus (VACV), has been extensively studied as a vector given its broad host range, extraordinary thermal stability, and exceptional immunogenicity. Unceasing fundamental biological research on VACV provides us with a better understanding of its genetic elements, involvement in cellular signaling pathways, and modulation of host immune responses. This enables the rational design of safer and more efficacious next-generation vectors. To address the new technological advancement within the past decade in VACV research, this review covers the studies of viral immunomodulatory genes, modifications in commonly used vectors, novel mechanisms for rapid generation and purification of recombinant virus, and several other innovative approaches to studying its biology.




Virology,Infectious Diseases

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