Molecular Collective Response and Dynamical Symmetry Properties in Biopotentials of Superior Plants: Experimental Observations and Quantum Field Theory Modeling


Chiolerio AlessandroORCID,Dehshibi Mohammad MahdiORCID,Vitiello GiuseppeORCID,Adamatzky AndrewORCID


Trees employ impulses of electrical activity to coordinate actions of their bodies and long-distance communication. There are indications that the vascular system might act as a network of pathways for traveling electrical impulses. A question arises about the correlation and interplay between the molecular (microscopic) level and the macroscopic observable behavior of the system (the electrical impulses), for individual trees and as a component of the larger living ecosystem, the forest. Results from the “Cyberforest Experiment” in the Paneveggio forest (Valle di Fiemme, Trento, Italy) are presented. It is shown that: (i) biopotential features of xylem biomolecular activity can be correlated with the solar (and lunar) cycle, (ii) tree stubs show an electrical molecular activity that is correlated with that of neighboring trees, (iii) statistical features of spike-like peaks and entropy can be correlated with corresponding thermal entropy, and (iv) basic symmetries of the quantum field theory dynamics are responsible for the entanglement phenomenon in the molecular interactions resulting in the molecular collective behavior of the forest. Findings suggest implementing technology that goes in the direction of understanding the language of trees, eventually of fungi, which have created a universal living network perhaps using a common language.


Zenit Arti Audiovisive, Torino, Italy




Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous),General Mathematics,Chemistry (miscellaneous),Computer Science (miscellaneous)

Reference47 articles.

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5. Forest Health Monitoring: 2002 National Technical Report;Coulston,2005

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