Conditional Ablation of Spred1 and Spred2 in the Eye Lens Negatively Impacts Its Development and Growth


Wazin Fatima1,Lovicu Frank J.12ORCID


1. Molecular and Cellular Biomedicine, School of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia

2. Save Sight Institute, Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia


The development and growth of the eye depends on normal lens morphogenesis and its growth. This growth, in turn, is dependent on coordinated proliferation of the lens epithelial cells and their subsequent differentiation into fiber cells. These cellular processes are tightly regulated to maintain the precise cellular structure and size of the lens, critical for its transparency and refractive properties. Growth factor-mediated MAPK signaling driven by ERK1/2 has been reported as essential for regulating cellular processes of the lens, with ERK1/2 signaling tightly regulated by endogenous antagonists, including members of the Sprouty and related Spred families. Our previous studies have demonstrated the importance of both these inhibitory molecules in lens and eye development. In this study, we build on these findings to highlight the importance of Spreds in regulating early lens morphogenesis by modulating ERK1/2-mediated lens epithelial cell proliferation and fiber differentiation. Conditional loss of both Spred1 and Spred2 in early lens morphogenesis results in elevated ERK1/2 phosphorylation, hyperproliferation of lens epithelia, and an associated increase in the rate of fiber differentiation. This results in transient microphakia and microphthalmia, which disappears, owing potentially to compensatory Sprouty expression. Our data support an important temporal role for Spreds in the early stages of lens morphogenesis and highlight how negative regulation of ERK1/2 signaling is critical for maintaining lens proliferation and fiber differentiation in situ throughout life.


Save Sight Institute




General Medicine







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