Nutritional Factors Associated with Late-Onset Sepsis in Very Low Birth Weight Newborns


de Sousa Juliany Caroline SilvaORCID,de Carvalho Ana Verônica Dantas,Monte de Prada Lorena de CarvalhoORCID,Marinho Arthur Pedro,de Lima Kerolaynne Fonseca,Macedo Suianny Karla de Oliveira,Santos Camila Dayze PereiraORCID,da Câmara Saionara Maria Aires,Barreto Anna Christina do Nascimento GranjeiroORCID,Pereira Silvana AlvesORCID


Background: Delayed onset of minimal enteral nutrition compromises the immune response of preterm infants, increasing the risk of colonization and clinical complications (e.g., late-onset sepsis). This study aimed to analyze associations between late-onset sepsis in very low birth weight infants (<1500 g) and days of parenteral nutrition, days to reach full enteral nutrition, and maternal and nutritional factors. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out with very low birth weight infants admitted to a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) of a reference maternity hospital of high-risk deliveries. Data regarding days of parenteral nutrition, days to reach full enteral nutrition, fasting days, extrauterine growth restriction, and NICU length of stay were extracted from online medical records. Late-onset sepsis was diagnosed (clinical or laboratory) after 48 h of life. Chi-squared, Mann–Whitney tests, and binary logistic regression were applied. Results: A total of 97 preterm infants were included. Of those, 75 presented late-onset sepsis with clinical (n = 40) or laboratory (n = 35) diagnosis. Maternal urinary tract infection, prolonged parenteral nutrition (>14 days), and extrauterine growth restriction presented 4.24-fold, 4.86-fold, and 4.90-fold higher chance of late-onset sepsis, respectively. Conclusion: Very low birth weight infants with late-onset sepsis had prolonged parenteral nutrition and took longer to reach full enteral nutrition. They also presented a higher prevalence of extrauterine growth restriction than infants without late-onset sepsis.




Food Science,Nutrition and Dietetics

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