Marine Natural Products from the Russian Pacific as Sources of Drugs for Neurodegenerative Diseases


Khotimchenko Yuri S.,Silachev Denis N.,Katanaev Vladimir L.ORCID


Neurodegenerative diseases are growing to become one of humanity’s biggest health problems, given the number of individuals affected by them. They cause enough mortalities and severe economic impact to rival cancers and infections. With the current diversity of pathophysiological mechanisms involved in neurodegenerative diseases, on the one hand, and scarcity of efficient prevention and treatment strategies, on the other, all possible sources for novel drug discovery must be employed. Marine pharmacology represents a relatively uncharted territory to seek promising compounds, despite the enormous chemodiversity it offers. The current work discusses one vast marine region—the Northwestern or Russian Pacific—as the treasure chest for marine-based drug discovery targeting neurodegenerative diseases. We overview the natural products of neurological properties already discovered from its waters and survey the existing molecular and cellular targets for pharmacological modulation of the disease. We further provide a general assessment of the drug discovery potential of the Russian Pacific in case of its systematic development to tackle neurodegenerative diseases.


Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation




Drug Discovery,Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous),Pharmaceutical Science

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