Substantially Improved Electrofusion Efficiency of Hybridoma Cells: Based on the Combination of Nanosecond and Microsecond Pulses


Wu Meng,Ke Qiang,Bi JinhaoORCID,Li Xinhao,Huang Shuheng,Liu Zuohua,Ge Liangpeng


As the initial antibody technology, the preparation of hybridoma cells has been widely used in discovering antibody drugs and is still in use. Various antibody drugs obtained through this technology have been approved for treating human diseases. However, the key to producing hybridoma cells is efficient cell fusion. High-voltage microsecond pulsed electric fields (μsHVPEFs) are currently one of the most common methods used for cell electrofusion. Nevertheless, the membrane potential induced by the external microsecond pulse is proportional to the diameter of the cell, making it difficult to fuse cells of different sizes. Although nanosecond pulsed electric fields (nsPEFs) can achieve the fusion of cells of different sizes, due to the limitation of pore size, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) cannot efficiently pass through the cell pores produced by nsPEFs. This directly causes the significant loss of the target gene and reduces the proportion of positive cells after fusion. To achieve an electric field environment independent of cell size and enable efficient cell fusion, we propose a combination of nanosecond pulsed electric fields and low-voltage microsecond pulsed electric fields (ns/μsLVPEFs) to balance the advantages and disadvantages of the two techniques. The results of fluorescence experiments and hybridoma culture experiments showed that after lymphocytes and myeloma cells were stimulated by a pulse (ns/μsLVPEF, μsHVPEF, and control), compared with μsHVPEF, applying ns/μsLVPEF at the same energy could increase the cell fusion efficiency by 1.5–3.0 times. Thus far, we have combined nanosecond and microsecond pulses and provided a practical solution that can significantly increase cell fusion efficiency. This efficient cell fusion method may contribute to the further development of hybridoma technology in electrofusion.


National Natural Science Foundation of China

Natural Science Foundation of Chongqing

Chongqing Science and Technology Commission





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