Estimating the Instantaneous Screw Axis and the Screw Axis Invariant Descriptor of Motion by Means of Inertial Sensors: An Experimental Study with a Mechanical Hinge Joint and Comparison to the Optoelectronic System


Ancillao AndreaORCID,Vochten MaximORCID,Aertbeliën ErwinORCID,Decré WilmORCID,De Schutter Joris


The motion of a rigid body can be represented by the instantaneous screw axis (ISA, also known as the helical axis). Recently, an invariant representation of motion based on the ISA, namely, the screw axis invariant descriptor (SAID), was proposed in the literature. The SAID consists of six scalar features that are independent from the coordinate system chosen to represent the motion. This method proved its usefulness in robotics; however, a high sensitivity to noise was observed. This paper aims to explore the performance of inertial sensors for the estimation of the ISA and the SAID for a simple experimental setup based on a hinge joint. The free swing motion of the mechanical hinge was concurrently recorded by a marker-based optoelectronic system (OS) and two magnetic inertial measurement units (MIMUs). The ISA estimated by the MIMU was more precise, while the OS was more accurate. The mean angular error was ≈2.2° for the OS and was ≈4.4° for the MIMU, while the mean standard deviation was ≈2.3° for the OS and was ≈0.2° for the MIMU. The SAID features based on angular velocity were better estimated by the MIMU, while the features based on translational velocity were better estimated by the OS. Therefore, a combination of both measurements systems is recommended to accurately estimate the complete SAID.


European Research Council




Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Biochemistry,Instrumentation,Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics,Analytical Chemistry

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