Diagnosis and Treatment of Post-Prostatectomy Lymphedema: What’s New?


Bianchi Lorenzo Maria Giuseppe1ORCID,Irmici Giovanni1ORCID,Cè Maurizio1,D’Ascoli Elisa1ORCID,Della Pepa Gianmarco1ORCID,Di Vita Filippo2,Casati Omar2,Soresina Massimo3,Menozzi Andrea3,Khenkina Natallia1,Cellina Michaela4ORCID


1. Postgraduation School in Radiodiagnostics, University of Milan, 20122 Milan, Italy

2. Postgraduation School in Plastic Surgery, University of Milan, Via Festa del Perdono, 7, 20122 Milan, Italy

3. Plastic Surgery Department, Fatebenefratelli Hospital, ASST Fatebenefratelli Sacco, 20121 Milan, Italy

4. Radiology Department, Fatebenefratelli Hospital, ASST Fatebenefratelli Sacco, 20121 Milan, Italy


Lymphedema is a chronic progressive disorder that significantly compromises patients’ quality of life. In Western countries, it often results from cancer treatment, as in the case of post-radical prostatectomy lymphedema, where it can affect up to 20% of patients, with a significant disease burden. Traditionally, diagnosis, assessment of severity, and management of disease have relied on clinical assessment. In this landscape, physical and conservative treatments, including bandages and lymphatic drainage have shown limited results. Recent advances in imaging technology are revolutionizing the approach to this disorder: magnetic resonance imaging has shown satisfactory results in differential diagnosis, quantitative classification of severity, and most appropriate treatment planning. Further innovations in microsurgical techniques, based on the use of indocyanine green to map lymphatic vessels during surgery, have improved the efficacy of secondary LE treatment and led to the development of new surgical approaches. Physiologic surgical interventions, including lymphovenous anastomosis (LVA) and vascularized lymph node transplant (VLNT), are going to face widespread diffusion. A combined approach to microsurgical treatment provides the best results: LVA is effective in promoting lymphatic drainage, bridging VLNT delayed lymphangiogenic and immunological effects in the lymphatic impairment site. Simultaneous VLNT and LVA are safe and effective for patients with both early and advanced stages of post-prostatectomy LE. A new perspective is now represented by the combination of microsurgical treatments with the positioning of nano fibrillar collagen scaffolds (BioBridgeTM) to favor restoring the lymphatic function, allowing for improved and sustained volume reduction. In this narrative review, we proposed an overview of new strategies for diagnosing and treating post-prostatectomy lymphedema to get the most appropriate and successful patient treatment with an overview of the main artificial intelligence applications in the prevention, diagnosis, and management of lymphedema.



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