The Use of Shells of Marine Molluscs in Spanish Ethnomedicine: A Historical Approach and Present and Future Perspectives


González José A.1ORCID,Vallejo José Ramón2ORCID


1. Grupo de Investigación de Recursos Etnobiológicos del Duero-Douro (GRIRED), Facultad de Biología, Universidad de Salamanca, E-37071 Salamanca, Spain

2. Departamento de Anatomía Patológica, Biología Celular, Histología, Historia de la Ciencia, Medicina Legal y Forense y Toxicología, Área de Historia de la Ciencia, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Cádiz, E-11003 Cádiz, Spain


Since ancient times, the shells of marine molluscs have been used as a therapeutic and/or prophylactic resource. In Spain, they were part of practical guides for doctors or pharmacists until the 19th century. In general, seashells were prepared by dissolving in vinegar and were part of plasters or powders used as toothpaste, or to treat dyspepsia, heartburn and leprosy. Thus, the nacre or mother-of-pearl of various molluscs was regularly used in the Royal Colleges of Surgery and in hospitals during the times of the Cortes of Cadiz, as a medicine in galenic preparations based on powders. In contemporary Spanish ethnomedicine, seashells, with a high symbolic value, have been used as an amulet to prevent cracks in the breasts and promote their development during lactation, to avoid teething pain in young children, to eliminate stains on the face or to cure erysipelas. But, as in other countries, products derived from seashells have also been empirically applied. The two resources used traditionally have been the cuttlebone, the internal shell of cuttlefish and the nacre obtained from the external shells of some species. Cuttlebone, dried and pulverised, has been applied externally to cure corneal leukoma and in dental hygiene. In the case of nacre, a distinction must be made between chemical and physical remedies. Certain seashells, macerated in lemon juice, were used in coastal areas to remove spots on the face during postpartum. However, the most common practice in Spain mainland was to dissolve mother-of-pearl buttons in lemon juice (or vinegar). The substance thus obtained has been used to treat different dermatological conditions of the face (chloasma, acne), as well as to eliminate freckles. For the extraction of foreign bodies in the eyes, a very widespread traditional remedy has been to introduce small mother-of-pearl buttons under the lid. These popular remedies and practices are compared with those collected in classic works of medicine throughout history, and data on the pharmacological activity and pharmaceutical applications of the products used are provided. The use of cuttlebone powders is supported by different works on anti-inflammatory, immune-modulatory and/or wound healing properties. Nacre powder has been used in traditional medicines to treat palpitations, convulsions or epilepsy. As sedation and a tranquilisation agent, nacre is an interesting source for further drug development. Likewise, nacre is a biomaterial for orthopaedic and other tissue bioengineering applications. This article is a historical, cultural and anthropological view that can open new epistemological paths in marine-derived product research.




Drug Discovery,Pharmaceutical Science,Molecular Medicine

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