Kv2.1 Channels Prevent Vasomotion and Safeguard Myogenic Reactivity in Rat Small Superior Cerebellar Arteries


Här Kristina1,Lysenko Natalia N.12,Dimitrova Daniela3,Schlüter Torsten4,Zavaritskaya Olga1,Kamkin Andrej G.2,Mladenov Mitko25ORCID,Grisk Olaf6ORCID,Köhler Ralf7,Gagov Hristo8ORCID,Schubert Rudolf19ORCID


1. European Center of Angioscience (ECAS), Research Division Cardiovascular Physiology, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University, 68167 Mannheim, Germany

2. Department of Physiology, N. I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, 117997 Moscow, Russia

3. Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria

4. Institute of Physiology, Universitätsmedizin Greifswald, 17475 Greifswald, Germany

5. Institute of Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius, 1000 Skopje, North Macedonia

6. Institute of Physiology, Brandenburg Medical School Theodor Fontane, 16816 Neuruppin, Germany

7. ARAID-IACS, UIT University Hospital Miguel Servet, 50009 Zaragoza, Spain

8. Department of Animal and Human Physiology, Faculty of Biology, Sofia University ‘St. Kliment Ohridski’, 1164 Sofia, Bulgaria

9. Physiology, Institute of Theoretical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Augsburg, Universitätsstrasse 2, 86159 Augsburg, Germany


Vascular smooth muscle voltage-gated potassium (Kv) channels have been proposed to contribute to myogenic autoregulation. Surprisingly, in initial experiments, we observed that the Kv2 channel inhibitor stromatoxin induced vasomotion without affecting myogenic tone. Thus, we tested the hypothesis that Kv2 channels contribute to myogenic autoregulation by fine-tuning the myogenic response. Expression of Kv2 channel mRNA was determined using real-time PCR and ‘multiplex’ single-cell RT-PCR. Potassium currents were measured using the patch-clamp technique. Contractile responses of intact arteries were studied using isobaric myography. Expression of Kv2.1 but not Kv2.2 channels was detected in intact rat superior cerebellar arteries and in single smooth muscle cells. Stromatoxin, a high-affinity inhibitor of Kv2 channels, reduced smooth muscle Kv currents by 61% at saturating concentrations (EC50 36 nmol/L). Further, stromatoxin (10–100 nmol/L) induced pronounced vasomotion in 48% of the vessels studied. In vessels not exhibiting vasomotion, stromatoxin did not affect myogenic reactivity. Notably, in vessels exhibiting stromatoxin-induced vasomotion, pressure increases evoked two effects: First, they facilitated the occurrence of random vasodilations and/or vasoconstrictions, disturbing the myogenic response (24% of the vessels). Second, they modified the vasomotion by decreasing its amplitude and increasing its frequency, thereby destabilizing myogenic tone (76% of the vessels). Our study demonstrates that (i) Kv2.1 channels are the predominantly expressed Kv channels in smooth muscle cells of rat superior cerebellar arteries, and (ii) Kv2.1 channels provide a novel type of negative feedback mechanism in myogenic autoregulation by preventing vasomotion and thereby safeguarding the myogenic response.


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

German Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Russian Foundation for Basic Research




General Medicine

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