A Comprehensive Review on Photoacoustic-Based Devices for Biomedical Applications


Barbosa Rita Clarisse Silva,Mendes Paulo M.ORCID


The photoacoustic effect is an emerging technology that has sparked significant interest in the research field since an acoustic wave can be produced simply by the incidence of light on a material or tissue. This phenomenon has been extensively investigated, not only to perform photoacoustic imaging but also to develop highly miniaturized ultrasound probes that can provide biologically meaningful information. Therefore, this review aims to outline the materials and their fabrication process that can be employed as photoacoustic targets, both biological and non-biological, and report the main components’ features to achieve a certain performance. When designing a device, it is of utmost importance to model it at an early stage for a deeper understanding and to ease the optimization process. As such, throughout this article, the different methods already implemented to model the photoacoustic effect are introduced, as well as the advantages and drawbacks inherent in each approach. However, some remaining challenges are still faced when developing such a system regarding its fabrication, modeling, and characterization, which are also discussed.


Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia




Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Biochemistry,Instrumentation,Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics,Analytical Chemistry

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