Optimization of Coherent Dynamics of Localized Surface Plasmons in Gold and Silver Nanospheres; Large Size Effects


Kolwas Krystyna1ORCID


1. Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Al. Lotników 32/46, 02-668 Warsaw, Poland


Noble metal nanoparticles have attracted attention in recent years due to a number of their exciting applications in plasmonic applications, e.g., in sensing, high-gain antennas, structural colour printing, solar energy management, nanoscale lasing, and biomedicines. The report embraces the electromagnetic description of inherent properties of spherical nanoparticles, which enable resonant excitation of Localized Surface Plasmons (defined as collective excitations of free electrons), and the complementary model in which plasmonic nanoparticles are treated as quantum quasi-particles with discrete electronic energy levels. A quantum picture including plasmon damping processes due to the irreversible coupling to the environment enables us to distinguish between the dephasing of coherent electron motion and the decay of populations of electronic states. Using the link between classical EM and the quantum picture, the explicit dependence of the population and coherence damping rates as a function of NP size is given. Contrary to the usual expectations, such dependence for Au and Ag NPs is not a monotonically growing function, which provides a new perspective for tailoring plasmonic properties in larger-sized nanoparticles, which are still hardly available experimentally. The practical tools for comparing the plasmonic performance of gold and silver nanoparticles of the same radii in an extensive range of sizes are also given.




General Materials Science

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