Who Is Liable When a Driverless Car Crashes?


Uzair Muhammad


Autonomous vehicles (AVs) will revolutionize mobility in the future. However, accidents will still happen and it will affect the practices of today’s tort laws. This work discusses all those aspects which should be considered in order to find out who is liable, i.e., an operator, owner, manufacturer, government entity, software provider, network provider, original equipment manufacturer (OEM), etc., as traditional tort rules will not help to find out the liability in case of an AV accident. The work comprehensively discusses different liabilities ranging from legal, civil, operator, criminal, moral, product, insurance, etc., to find out who is liable in case of an AV accident, as compared to the existing literature which generally discusses one or two aspects only. The work also presents the current state of legislation and discusses legal challenges to the lawmakers, insurance companies, consumer, and manufacturers, etc. The future mobility models and different scenarios of AV accidents have also been discussed in terms of legal liability and third party insurance claims. The role of regulatory bodies and different challenges has also been discussed along with recommendations. Finally, the work also proposes a new novel liability attribute model with a particular focus on ethical issues. The research proposes that liability should be attributed in such a way that it benefits everyone and everybody feels justified in case of an AV accident. The research also concludes that product liability will be the major issue in terms of insurance issues and the manufacturer should be held liable for product failure unless other evidence favors the manufacturer.




Automotive Engineering

Reference49 articles.

1. Survey results;Albright,2015

2. Who’s Responsible for Autonomous Vehicle Accident?https://innovationatwork.ieee.org/whos-responsible-for-an-autonomous-vehicle-accident/

3. Torts of the Future: Autonomous Vehicle: Addressing the Liability and Regulatory Implications of Emerging Technologies,2018

4. Sue My Car Not Me: Products Liability and Accidents Involving Autonomous Vehicles;Gurney;J. Law Technol. Policy,2013

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