Identification of CD114 Membrane Receptors as a Molecular Target in Medulloblastomas


Monteiro Jander Moreira12ORCID,Reis Ramos Jaqueline Isadora3,Teixeira e Sousa Ian4,Bighetti-Trevisan Rayana Longo3,Ribas Filho Jurandir Marcondes2,Isolan Gustavo Rassier12ORCID


1. Department of Neurosurgery, Center for Advanced Neurology and Neurosurgery (CEANNE), Porto Alegre 90560-010, Brazil

2. Postgraduate Program, Mackenzie Evangelical College of Parana, Curitiba 81531-980, Brazil

3. School of Dentistry of Ribeirao Preto, University of Sao Paulo, Ribeirão Preto 14040-904, Brazil

4. Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Conceição Children’s Hospital, Porto Alegre 90560-010, Brazil


Medulloblastomas are the most common solid tumors in children, accounting for 8–30% of pediatric brain cancers. It is a high-grade tumor with aggressive behavior and a typically b poor prognosis. Its treatment includes surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy, and presents high morbidity. Significant clinical, genetic, and prognostic differences exist between its four molecular subgroups: WNT, SHH, Group 3, and Group 4. Many studies seek to develop new chemotherapeutic agents for medulloblastomas through the identification of genes whose expressions are new molecular targets for drugs, such as membrane receptors associated with cell replication. This study aimed to assess the association of CD114 expression with mortality in patients with medulloblastoma. Databases from the Medulloblastoma Advanced Genomics International Consortium (MAGIC) were analyzed, focusing on the expression of the CD114 membrane receptor in different molecular types and its possible association with mortality. Our findings showed different CD114 expressions between Group 3 and other molecular groups, as well as between the molecular subtypes SHH γ and Group 3 α and Group 3 β. There was no statistically significant difference between the other groups and subtypes. Regarding mortality, this study did not find statistical significance in the association between low and high CD114 expressions and mortality. Medulloblastoma is a heterogeneous disease with many subtype variations of its genetic and intracellular signaling pathways. Similarly to this study, which could not demonstrate different CD114 membrane receptor expression patterns between groups, others who sought to associate CD114 expression with mortality in other types of cancer failed to establish a direct association. Since many indications point to the relation of this gene with cancer stem cells (CSCs), it may be part of a more extensive cellular signaling pathway with an eventual association with tumor recurrence. This study found no direct relationship between CD114 expression and mortality in patients with medulloblastoma. Further studies are needed on the intracellular signaling pathways associated with this receptor and its gene (the CSF3R).




Inorganic Chemistry,Organic Chemistry,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry,Computer Science Applications,Spectroscopy,Molecular Biology,General Medicine,Catalysis

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1. Theranostics in Neurooncology: Heading Toward New Horizons;Journal of Nuclear Medicine;2023-12-07







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