Osteoporosis and the Potential of Cell-Based Therapeutic Strategies


Macías IratxeORCID,Alcorta-Sevillano NatividadORCID,Rodríguez Clara I.ORCID,Infante ArantzaORCID


Osteoporosis, the most common chronic metabolic bone disease, is characterized by low bone mass and increased bone fragility. Nowadays more than 200 million individuals are suffering from osteoporosis and still the number of affected people is dramatically increasing due to an aging population and longer life, representing a major public health problem. Current osteoporosis treatments are mainly designed to decrease bone resorption, presenting serious adverse effects that limit their safety for long-term use. Numerous studies with mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have helped to increase the knowledge regarding the mechanisms that underlie the progression of osteoporosis. Emerging clinical and molecular evidence suggests that inflammation exerts a significant influence on bone turnover, thereby on osteoporosis. In this regard, MSCs have proven to possess broad immunoregulatory capabilities, modulating both adaptive and innate immunity. Here, we will discuss the role that MSCs play in the etiopathology of osteoporosis and their potential use for the treatment of this disease.


Instituto de Salud Carlos III

Ekonomiaren Garapen eta Lehiakortasun Saila, Eusko Jaurlaritza




Inorganic Chemistry,Organic Chemistry,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry,Computer Science Applications,Spectroscopy,Molecular Biology,General Medicine,Catalysis

Reference201 articles.

1. Public Health Impact of Osteoporosis

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4. The pathogenesis, diagnosis, investigation and management of osteoporosis

5. Review: developmental origins of osteoporotic fracture

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