The Canmore Declaration: Statement of Principles for Planetary Health


Prescott Susan,Logan Alan,Albrecht Glenn,Campbell Dianne,Crane Julian,Cunsolo Ashlee,Holloway John,Kozyrskyj Anita,Lowry Christopher,Penders John,Redvers Nicole,Renz Harald,Stokholm Jakob,Svanes Cecilie,Wegienka Ganesa,


The term planetary health—denoting the interdependence between human health and place at all scales—emerged from the environmental and preventive health movements of the 1970–80s; in 1980, Friends of the Earth expanded the World Health Organization definition of health, stating: “health is a state of complete physical, mental, social and ecological well-being and not merely the absence of disease—personal health involvesplanetary health”. Planetary health is not a new discipline; it is an extension of a concept understood by our ancestors, and remains the vocation of multiple disciplines. Planetary health, inseparably bonded to human health, is formally defined by the inVIVO Planetary Health network as the interdependent vitality of all natural and anthropogenic ecosystems (social, political and otherwise). Here, we provide the historical background and philosophies that have guided the network, and summarize the major themes that emerged at the 7th inVIVO meeting in Canmore, Alberta, Canada. We also provide the Canmore Declaration, a Statement of Principles for Planetary Health. This consensus statement, framed by representative participants, expands upon the 1986 Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion and affirms the urgent need to consider the health of people, places and the planet as indistinguishable.




General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

Reference92 articles.

1. The Control of Life;Thomson,1921

2. Ecopsychology in the Symbiocene

3. Exiting the anthropocene and entering the symbiocene;Albrecht;Minding Nat.,2016

4. Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion

5. United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)







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