Evaluation of Precision Livestock Technology and Human Scoring of Nursery Pigs in a Controlled Immune Challenge Experiment


Bortoluzzi Eduarda M.ORCID,Goering Mikayla J.,Ochoa Sara J.,Holliday Aaron J.,Mumm Jared M.,Nelson Catherine E.,Wu HuiORCID,Mote Benny E.ORCID,Psota Eric T.ORCID,Schmidt Ty B.,Jaberi-Douraki MajidORCID,Hulbert Lindsey E.


The objectives were to determine the sensitivity, specificity, and cutoff values of a visual-based precision livestock technology (NUtrack), and determine the sensitivity and specificity of sickness score data collected with the live observation by trained human observers. At weaning, pigs (n = 192; gilts and barrows) were randomly assigned to one of twelve pens (16/pen) and treatments were randomly assigned to pens. Sham-pen pigs all received subcutaneous saline (3 mL). For LPS-pen pigs, all pigs received subcutaneous lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 300 μg/kg BW; E. coli O111:B4; in 3 mL of saline). For the last treatment, eight pigs were randomly assigned to receive LPS, and the other eight were sham (same methods as above; half-and-half pens). Human data from the day of the challenge presented high true positive and low false positive rates (88.5% sensitivity; 85.4% specificity; 0.871 Area Under Curve, AUC), however, these values declined when half-and-half pigs were scored (75% sensitivity; 65.5% specificity; 0.703 AUC). Precision technology measures had excellent AUC, sensitivity, and specificity for the first 72 h after treatment and AUC values were >0.970, regardless of pen treatment. These results indicate that precision technology has a greater potential for identifying pigs during a natural infectious disease event than trained professionals using timepoint sampling.


National Pork Foundation’s Board

Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank (FARAD) Program

Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station

USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture




General Veterinary,Animal Science and Zoology

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