Current Advances in the Biomedical Applications of Quantum Dots: Promises and Challenges


Le Nhi1,Kim Kyoungtae1ORCID


1. Department of Biology, Missouri State University, 901 S National, Springfield, MO 65897, USA


Quantum dots (QDs) are a type of nanoparticle with exceptional photobleaching-resistant fluorescence. They are highly sought after for their potential use in various optical-based biomedical applications. However, there are still concerns regarding the use of quantum dots. As such, much effort has been invested into understanding the mechanisms behind the behaviors of QDs, so as to develop safer and more biocompatible quantum dots. In this mini-review, we provide an update on the recent advancements regarding the use of QDs in various biomedical applications. In addition, we also discuss# the current challenges and limitations in the use of QDs and propose a few areas of interest for future research.


U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center–Environmental Laboratory




Inorganic Chemistry,Organic Chemistry,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry,Computer Science Applications,Spectroscopy,Molecular Biology,General Medicine,Catalysis

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1. Biomarker-specific biosensors revolutionise breast cancer diagnosis;Clinica Chimica Acta;2024-01

2. A Review of in vivo Toxicity of Quantum Dots in Animal Models;International Journal of Nanomedicine;2023-12

3. The Impact of Cadmium Selenide Zinc Sulfide Quantum Dots on the Proteomic Profile of Saccharomyces cerevisiae;International Journal of Molecular Sciences;2023-11-15

4. Interactions between Quantum Dots and G-Actin;International Journal of Molecular Sciences;2023-09-29







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