1. CNRS, CEISAM, UMR 6230, Nantes Université, 44000 Nantes, France
2. Graftys SA, Eiffel Park, Pôle d’activités d’Aix en Provence, 13080 Aix en Provence, France
3. Department of Small Animal and Equine Surgery and Anesthesia, Nantes-Atlantic College of Veterinary Medicine, Food Science and Engineering (ONIRIS), 44307 Nantes, France
4. Regenerative Medicine and Skeleton, INSERM, University Hospital (CHU), UMR 1229-RMeS, Nantes University, 44000 Nantes, France
5. LCPME, CNRS UMR 7564, Université de Lorraine, 54800 Villers Lès Nancy, France