Fragility Analysis for Water-Retaining Structures Resting on Spatially Random Soil


Cho Sung-Eun1ORCID


1. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering & Construction Engineering Research Institute, Hankyong National University, 327 Chungang-ro, Anseong-si 17579, Republic of Korea


The maintenance of water-retaining structures involves evaluating their performance against current and future operating water levels. Fragility curves are commonly used for this purpose, as they indicate the conditional probability of failure for various load conditions and accurately characterize a structure’s performance. Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) can be used to determine the fragility curve of water-retaining structures by calculating the probability of failure as the water level changes. However, performing repetitive MCS involves extensive calculations, thus making it inefficient for practical applications. Therefore, it is essential to develop efficient methods that require a minimum number of MCS runs to estimate the fragility curve. This study proposed two methods to estimate the fragility curves of water-retaining structures, thereby allowing for the assessment of failure probabilities related to important quantities such as the steady-state seepage rate, exit gradient, and uplift force, which make them suitable for practical applications. The fragility curves obtained using the proposed methods are valuable for risk assessment, design, and decision-making purposes, as they offer information to evaluate the performance of the water-retaining structure under various water level conditions.


National Research Foundation of Korea




Water Science and Technology,Aquatic Science,Geography, Planning and Development,Biochemistry

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