When Vessels and Sarcomas Combine: A Review of the Inferior Vena Cava Leiomyosarcoma


Gama João Martins12ORCID,Almeida Rui1,Oliveira Rui Caetano34567,Casanova José45678


1. Pathology Department, Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra, Hospitais Universitários de Coimbra, 3000-075 Coimbra, Portugal

2. Doctoral Programme in Molecular Pathology and Genetics, Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar, University of Porto (ICBAS-UP), 4050-313 Porto, Portugal

3. Centro de Diagnóstico Anatomopatológico Germano de Sousa, 3000-377 Coimbra, Portugal

4. Institute for Clinical and Biomedical Research (iCBR), Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, 3000-548 Coimbra, Portugal

5. Centre of Investigation on Genetics and Oncobiology (CIMAGO), Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, 3000-548 Coimbra, Portugal

6. Clinical and Academic Center of Coimbra (CACC), 3000-075 Coimbra, Portugal

7. Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, 3000-075 Coimbra, Portugal

8. Tumor Unit of the Locomotor Apparatus (UTAL), University Clinic of Orthopedics, Orthopedics Service, Coimbra Hospital and University Centre (CHUC), 3000-075 Coimbra, Portugal


Leiomyosarcomas (LMSs) are malignant neoplasms of soft muscle differentiation that can be classified into five distinct groups according to site-related origin: intra-abdominal, subcutaneous or deep soft tissue of the limbs, cutaneous, external genitalia, and vascular. This distinction reflects different biological behaviors as well as molecular changes, thus reflecting different prognoses and therapeutic options. Vascular LMSs are the least frequent, arising from the walls of the blood vessels, most commonly from the inferior vena cava. Due to its deep location, symptoms are non-specific, and the disease presents at an advanced stage, sometimes with metastases. Surgery is the treatment of choice, associated with chemo- and radiotherapy. Due to its rarity, most departments have minimal experience handling this disease. This article reviews the current knowledge on vascular leiomyosarcomas, particularly the inferior vena cava leiomyosarcoma.



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