Rare Deletions or Large Duplications Contribute to Genetic Variation in Patients with Severe Tinnitus and Meniere Disease


Escalera-Balsera Alba123ORCID,Parra-Perez Alberto M.123ORCID,Gallego-Martinez Alvaro123ORCID,Frejo Lidia1234,Martin-Lagos Juan125,Rivero de Jesus Victoria6,Pérez-Vázquez Paz7,Perez-Carpena Patricia1238ORCID,Lopez-Escamez Jose A.1234ORCID


1. Otology & Neurotology Group CTS495, Instituto de Investigación Biosanitaria, ibs.GRANADA, Universidad de Granada, 18071 Granada, Spain

2. Division of Otolaryngology, Department of Surgery, Universidad de Granada, 18016 Granada, Spain

3. Sensorineural Pathology Programme, Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red en Enfermedades Raras, CIBERER, 28029 Madrid, Spain

4. Meniere’s Disease Neuroscience Research Program, Faculty of Medicine & Health, School of Medical Sciences, The Kolling Institute, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2065, Australia

5. Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Hospital Clinico Universitario San Cecilio, 18016 Granada, Spain

6. Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Hospital Clínic, 08036 Barcelona, Spain

7. Servicio de Otorrinolaringología, Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias, 33011 Oviedo, Spain

8. Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves, 18014 Granada, Spain


Meniere disease (MD) is a debilitating disorder of the inner ear defined by sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) associated with episodes of vertigo and tinnitus. Severe tinnitus, which occurs in around 1% of patients, is a multiallelic disorder associated with a burden of rare missense single nucleotide variants in synaptic genes. Rare structural variants (SVs) may also contribute to MD and severe tinnitus. In this study, we analyzed exome sequencing data from 310 MD Spanish patients and selected 75 patients with severe tinnitus based on a Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI) score > 68. Three rare deletions were identified in two unrelated individuals overlapping the ERBB3 gene in the positions: NC_000012.12:g.56100028_56100172del, NC_000012.12:g.56100243_56101058del, and NC_000012.12:g.56101359_56101526del. Moreover, an ultra-rare large duplication was found covering the AP4M1, COPS6, MCM7, TAF6, MIR106B, MIR25, and MIR93 genes in another two patients in the NC_000007.14:g.100089053_100112257dup region. All the coding genes exhibited expression in brain and inner ear tissues. These results confirm the contribution of large SVs to severe tinnitus in MD and pinpoint new candidate genes to get a better molecular understanding of the disease.


University of Sydney

Asociacion Sindrome de Meniere España (ASMES), Meniere’s Society, UK

Andalusian Goverment

European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme

Regional Ministry of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities of Junta de Andalucía

Sara Borrell postdoctoral Fellowship

Andalusian Health Government

Swedish Research Council




Genetics (clinical),Genetics

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