Initial Population Analysis and Mycorrhizal Fungi of the Leafless Epiphytic Orchid, Campylocentrum pachyrrhizum, in Florida


Herdman Adam R.1ORCID,Mújica Ernesto B.2,Danaher Mark W.3,Zettler Lawrence W.4ORCID,Schulz Kurt1,Esselman Elizabeth1ORCID


1. Department of Biology, Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville, Edwardsville, IL 62026, USA

2. Orquideario Soroa, QXVR+2MM Carretera a Soroa Km. 8, Candelaria 22700, Cuba

3. Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Immokalee, FL 34142, USA

4. Department of Biology, Illinois College, 1101 W College Ave., Jacksonville, IL 62650, USA


Campylocentrum pachyrrhizum Rchb.f. Rolfe, also known as the ribbon orchid, is native to southern Florida, the West Indies, and northern South America. In Florida, it is restricted to the Fakahatchee Strand and is currently state-listed as endangered, but virtually nothing is known about the orchid’s biology, ecology, and current status. The purpose of this study was to document ribbon orchid populations within the northern portion of the Fakahatchee Strand (Florida Panther NWR) and to identify some of the biotic and abiotic factors critical to its survival. During 2016–2022, a total of 118 ribbon orchids were recorded at five sites on 21 host trees comprising two species (Annona glabra, Fraxinus caroliniana). The majority (80%) were rooted on pop ash, and over half (54%) were rooted at the base of trees 100–150 cm above the high water mark. The number of orchids decreased from year to year, with the largest drop (2017–2018) coinciding with damage from Hurricane Irma. At the end of the 2022 survey, only 44 orchids remained. Mycorrhizal fungi isolated from two plants were identified as a Ceratobasidium species. We urge land managers to take immediate action to safeguard this species throughout southern Florida.


Naples Orchid Society

SIUE graduate school RGGS program




Nature and Landscape Conservation,Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous),Ecological Modeling,Ecology

Reference33 articles.

1. (2022, October 20). North American Orchid Conservation Center. Available online:

2. Brown, P.M., and Folsom, S. (2002). Wild Orchids of Florida: With References to the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains, University Press of Florida.

3. Luer, C.A. (1972). The Native Orchids of Florida, New York Botanical Garden.

4. Terrestrial Orchid Conservation in the Age of Extinction;Swarts;Ann. Bot.,2009

5. Mújica, E.B., Herdman, A.R., Danaher, M.W., González, E.H., and Zettler, L.W. (2021). Projected status of the Ghost Orchid (Dendrophylax lindenii) in Florida during the next decade based on temporal dynamic studies spanning six years. Plants, 10.







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