Animal- and Plant-Based Protein Sources: A Scoping Review of Human Health Outcomes and Environmental Impact


Ferrari Luca,Panaite Stefan-Alexandru,Bertazzo Antonella,Visioli FrancescoORCID


Dietary proteins are indispensable to human nutrition. In addition to their tissue-building function, they affect body composition and regulate various metabolic pathways, as well as satiety and immune system activity. Protein use can be examined from a quantitative or qualitative viewpoint. In this scoping review, we compare animal- and plant-based protein sources in terms of their effects on human health and the environment. We conclude that the consumption of vegetable protein sources is associated with better health outcomes overall (namely, on the cardiovascular system) than animal-based product use. The healthier outcomes of vegetable protein sources dovetail with their lower environmental impact, which must be considered when designing an optimal diet. Indeed, the health of the planet cannot be disjointed from the health of the human being. Future research will clarify the mechanisms of action underlying the health effects of plant-based protein sources when compared with animal sources, fostering better agronomic practices and influencing public health in a direction that will benefit both the planet and its inhabitants.




Food Science,Nutrition and Dietetics

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