Detection of Helmet Use in Motorcycle Drivers Using Convolutional Neural Network


Mercado Reyna Jaime1ORCID,Luna-Garcia Huizilopoztli1ORCID,Espino-Salinas Carlos H.1ORCID,Celaya-Padilla José M.1ORCID,Gamboa-Rosales Hamurabi1ORCID,Galván-Tejada Jorge I.1ORCID,Galván-Tejada Carlos E.1ORCID,Solís Robles Roberto1ORCID,Rondon David2ORCID,Villalba-Condori Klinge Orlando3ORCID


1. Unidad Académica de Ingeniería Eléctrica, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, Jardín Juarez 147, Centro, Zacatecas 98000, Mexico

2. Departamento Estudios Generales, Universidad Continental, Arequipa 04001, Peru

3. Vicerrectorado de Investigación, Universidad Católica de Santa María, Arequipa 04002, Peru


The lack of helmet use in motorcyclists is one of the main risk factors with severe consequences in traffic accidents. Wearing a certified motorcycle helmet can reduce the risk of head injuries by 69% and fatalities by 42%. At present there are systems that detect the use of the helmet in a very precise way, however they are not robust enough to guarantee a safe journey, that is why is proposed an intelligent model for detecting the helmet in real time using training images of a camera mounted on the motorcycle, and convolutional neural networks that allow constant monitoring of the region of interest to identify the use of the helmet. As a result, a model was obtained capable of identifying when the helmet is used or not in an objective and constant manner while the user is making a journey, with a performance of 97.24%. Thus, it was possible to conclude that this new safety perspective provides a first approach to the generation of new preventive systems that help reduce accident rates in these means of transport. As future work, it is proposed to improve the model with different images that may violate the helmet detection.




Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes,Computer Science Applications,Process Chemistry and Technology,General Engineering,Instrumentation,General Materials Science







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