E-Waste Recycling and Resource Recovery: A Review on Technologies, Barriers and Enablers with a Focus on Oceania


Van Yken Jonovan,Boxall Naomi J.ORCID,Cheng Ka YuORCID,Nikoloski Aleksandar N.ORCID,Moheimani Navid R.,Kaksonen Anna H.ORCID


Electronic e-waste (e-waste) is a growing problem worldwide. In 2019, total global production reached 53.6 million tons, and is estimated to increase to 74.7 million tons by 2030. This rapid increase is largely fuelled by higher consumption rates of electrical and electronic goods, shorter life cycles and fewer repair options. E-waste is classed as a hazardous substance, and if not collected and recycled properly, can have adverse environmental impacts. The recoverable material in e-waste represents significant economic value, with the total value of e-waste generated in 2019 estimated to be US $57 billion. Despite the inherent value of this waste, only 17.4% of e-waste was recycled globally in 2019, which highlights the need to establish proper recycling processes at a regional level. This review provides an overview of global e-waste production and current technologies for recycling e-waste and recovery of valuable material such as glass, plastic and metals. The paper also discusses the barriers and enablers influencing e-waste recycling with a specific focus on Oceania.


The State of Western Australia, New Industries Fund

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation

Murdoch University




General Materials Science,Metals and Alloys

Reference270 articles.

1. The Global E-Waste Monitor 2020;Baldé,2020

2. E-waste: An assessment of global production and environmental impacts

3. Electrical and electronic waste: a global environmental problem

4. Global perspectives on e-waste

5. The Global E-Waste Monitor 2020: Quantities, Flows and the Circular Economy Potential;Forti,2020

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