Bioactive Compounds of Jambu (Acmella oleracea (L.) R. K. Jansen) as Potential Components of Biodegradable Food Packing: A Review


Moura Jardilene da Silva12,Gemaque Eveline de Matos3,Bahule Celina Eugenio1,Martins Luiza Helena da Silva14,Chisté Renan Campos1ORCID,Lopes Alessandra Santos1ORCID


1. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos (PPGCTA), Instituto de Tecnologia (ITEC), Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), Belém 66075-110, PA, Brazil

2. Empresa Brasileira de Serviços Hospitalares (EBSERH), Complexo dos Hospitais Universitários da UFPA (CHU-UFPA), Belém 66073-000, PA, Brazil

3. Programa de Residência Multiprofissional e em Área Profissional da Saúde (PRMPS), Complexo dos Hospitais Universitários da UFPA (CHU-UFPA), Belém 66073-000, PA, Brazil

4. Instituto de Saúde e Produção Animal (ISPA), Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia (UFRA), Belém 66077-830, PA, Brazil


The production of biodegradable food packaging with innovative characteristics is a current challenge that contributes to sustainable development and guarantees greater consumer safety. Thus, this review reports the general characteristics of jambu, highlighting the nutritional and medicinal importance, the rich composition of bioactive compounds and, mainly, the advances in the application of the plant as a multifunctional material for food packaging. The possibility of using jambu in active and “intelligent” films was identified. The addition of bioactive compounds to films can influence the physical, biochemical and sensory properties of foods, increasing the shelf life of packaged products, in addition to adding more economic value to the plant. According to the knowledge obtained by the authors of this review, information about the potential application of bioactive compounds from jambu in the development of films for biodegradable packaging will be presented for the first time in this review. Therefore, this study will provide researchers, food scientists and academics with a more comprehensive understanding of sustainable food packaging, with a focus on active and “intelligent” properties, contributing to the development of future research.


National Council for Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Scientific and Technological Development)

Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel

Programa de Apoio à Publicação Qualificada (PAPQ)—Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação




Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment,Geography, Planning and Development,Building and Construction







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