Development of a Sham Protocol to Investigate Transcutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation in Randomised, Sham-Controlled, Double-Blind Clinical Trials


Stalder Stephanie A.12ORCID,van der Lely Stéphanie1ORCID,Anderson Collene E.134ORCID,Birkhäuser Veronika1ORCID,Curt Armin5,Gross Oliver1ORCID,Leitner Lorenz1ORCID,Mehnert Ulrich1ORCID,Schubert Martin5ORCID,Tornic Jure1ORCID,Kessler Thomas M.1ORCID,Liechti Martina D.1ORCID


1. Department of Neuro-Urology, Balgrist University Hospital, University of Zürich, 8008 Zürich, Switzerland

2. Department of Health Sciences and Technology, ETH Zürich, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland

3. Swiss Paraplegic Research, 6207 Nottwil, Switzerland

4. Department of Health Sciences and Medicine, University of Lucerne, 6002 Lucerne, Switzerland

5. Spinal Cord Injury Centre, Balgrist University Hospital, University of Zürich, 8008 Zürich, Switzerland


Transcutaneous tibial nerve stimulation (TTNS) is a promising treatment for neurogenic lower urinary tract symptoms. However, the evidence is limited due to a general lack of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and, also, inconsistency in the sham and blinding conditions. In the context of much-needed RCTs, we aimed to develop a suitable sham-control protocol for a clinical setting to maintain blinding but avoid meaningful stimulation of the tibial nerve. Three potential electrode positions (lateral malleolus/5th metatarsal/plantar calcaneus) and two electrode sizes (diameter: 2.5 cm/3.2 cm) were tested to determine which combination provided the optimal sham configuration for a TTNS approach, based on a visible motor response. Sixteen healthy volunteers underwent sensory and motor assessments for each sham configuration. Eight out of them came back for an extra TTNS visit. Sensory thresholds were present for all sham configurations, with linear regression models revealing a significant effect regarding electrode position (highest at plantar calcaneus) but not size. In addition, motor thresholds varied with the position—lowest for the 5th metatarsal. Only using this position and 3.2 cm electrodes attained a 100% response rate. Compared to TTNS, sensory and motor thresholds were generally higher for the sham configurations; meanwhile, perceived pain was only higher at the lateral malleolus. In conclusion, using the 5th metatarsal position and 3.2 cm electrodes proved to be the most suitable sham configuration. Implemented as a four-electrode setup with standardized procedures, this appears to be a suitable RCT protocol for maintaining blinding and controlling for nonspecific TTNS effects in a clinical setting.


Swiss National Science Foundation




General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology,Medicine (miscellaneous)







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