Serotonergic Modulation of Neurovascular Transmission: A Focus on Prejunctional 5-HT Receptors/Mechanisms


González-Hernández Abimael1ORCID,Marichal-Cancino Bruno A.2ORCID,MaassenVanDenBrink Antoinette3,Villalón Carlos M.4ORCID


1. Instituto de Neurobiología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Boulevard Juriquilla 3001, Queretaro 76230, Mexico

2. Departamento de Fisiología y Farmacología, Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, Mexico City 20100, Mexico

3. Division of Vascular Medicine and Pharmacology, Department of Internal Medicine, Erasmus MC University Medical Center, 3000 CA Rotterdam, The Netherlands

4. Departamento de Farmacobiología, Cinvestav-Coapa, Calzada de los Tenorios 235, Colonia Granjas-Coapa, Delegación Tlalpan, Mexico City 14330, Mexico


5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), or serotonin, plays a crucial role as a neuromodulator and/or neurotransmitter of several nervous system functions. Its actions are complex, and depend on multiple factors, including the type of effector or receptor activated. Briefly, 5-HT can activate: (i) metabotropic (G-protein-coupled) receptors to promote inhibition (5-HT1, 5-HT5) or activation (5-HT4, 5-HT6, 5-HT7) of adenylate cyclase, as well as activation (5-HT2) of phospholipase C; and (ii) ionotropic receptor (5-HT3), a ligand-gated Na+/K+ channel. Regarding blood pressure regulation (and beyond the intricacy of central 5-HT effects), this monoamine also exerts direct postjunctional (on vascular smooth muscle and endothelium) or indirect prejunctional (on autonomic and sensory perivascular nerves) effects. At the prejunctional level, 5-HT can facilitate or preclude the release of autonomic (e.g., noradrenaline and acetylcholine) or sensory (e.g., calcitonin gene-related peptide) neurotransmitters facilitating hypertensive or hypotensive effects. Hence, we cannot formulate a specific impact of 5-HT on blood pressure level, since an increase or decrease in neurotransmitter release would be favoured, depending on the type of prejunctional receptor involved. This review summarizes and discusses the current knowledge on the prejunctional mechanisms involved in blood pressure regulation by 5-HT and its impact on some vascular-related diseases.


Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología

SEP-Cinvestav Research Support Fund

Autonomous University of Aguascalientes




General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology,Medicine (miscellaneous)

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